ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- Astronaut Lisa Nowak Tuesday was ordered released on an additional $10,000 bond for an attempted murder charge involving a romantic rival.
Nowak, 43, had earlier posted a $15,500 bond on charges of attempted kidnapping, battery and attempted burglary of a car with battery. But, her release was halted as Orlando Police brought the attempted murder charge.
......................................................................So, since I went to space camp when I was ten, does this mean that I will someday leave my husband and three kids and go after my secret lover's girlfriend?
I hope not.
So if she wore a diaper so she didnt have to stop along the way...wouldn't she HAVE to for gas?
this story is insane!!
Crazy the things some people will do for "love"
I think this is an interesting post!
I think this is a great topic to explore. I know some people who have done some insane things to girls for trying to get with their boyfriends and I know there are a lot of high profile examples out there as well. It would also be interesting to discuss why it seems so much worse when someone like an astronaut who is usually respected does something like this.
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